This past weekend, I attended a 3-day conference that was titled Not for Sale. Not for Sale is a campaign that seeks to prevent and stop modern-day human trafficking by equipping people to become smart activists and abolish slavery.
When I first heard about this, I knew I wanted to attend. My sister studied International Affairs in college and I remember hearing her stories about human trafficking and child labor around the world, specifically in developing countries. I also personally know people that have helped free women that were once sex slaves in Thailand. Stories such as these made me realize that I need to be more informed of modern-day slavery and fight against it.
Another reason I wanted to go to this conference was because of Thailand. Over Christmas break, I went to Thailand. It was a beautiful country and it was great to spend time at the beach and spend time in its capital city, Bangkok. Unfortunately, sex trafficking is a major problem in Thailand. Many of the tourists that go to Bangkok are sex tourists which I'm sure needs no further explanation. Every day, thousands of women and children are forced to sell their bodies to please these said "tourists." My last night in Bangkok, I went to a major market area in the center of the city to do some last minute souvenir shopping. As the night got darker, many of the businesses surrounding the market area began to open up and I felt very uncomfortable being there. Due to what I know about Bangkok, I had a good idea of what was going on in those businesses. Rachel and I quickly got our things and headed back to our hotel.
The president and co-founder of Not for Sale, David Batstone, spoke each day and told real stories about human trafficking and realistic ways of helping those that are enslaved. He became interested in stopping human trafficking when one of his favorite restaurants in San Francisco, CA was closed down because young women from India had been forced to work there. David was shocked that such acts were happening in his city at a restaurant he frequented. His shock turned into a consuming passion that took him around the world to learn more about how slavery flourishes and ways to stop it.
He told a story about an abolitionist in northern Thailand that currently runs a school to educate children that were once sex slaves.
He told a story of a woman in Peru that opened up her office to a child from the streets of Lima. This child had escaped sex slavery and had no where to go. When the woman returned to her office, she found 600 children looking for a place to go as well.
He told a story about a company in Cambodia that employs ex-slaves and provides them with a safe work environment.
In the US, many young girls, many of them from Korea, as sold to others to work in homes, plantations or to sell their bodies.
There were so many stories.
Chances are that someone reading this might say, "Okay this is sad and all but how can I, a regular person, get involved?. 27 million is a lot. It's just going to continue regardless of what I do." Well, although the stories he said were eye-opening and really sad, I knew I wanted to learn how I could help.
Well first, do your research. Know that slavery is still around and try to research if it goes on around you. Next, use your gifts. The people that are a part of Not for Sale are regular people with many careers ranging from artists, entrepreneurs, educators, medical professionals, parents, ministry workers and the list goes on and on. You can donate to various organizations. There are multiple ways to get involved.
Not for Sale also wants to raise awareness in a consumer society, such as Korea and the US, so that regular people are not contributing to human slavery simply by buying things. That shirt that you are wearing right now might have been made by a 7-year old boy that is forced to work 15 hours a day with the promise that he'll be able to send some money home to his parents. You may not know that but sadly, you've just contributed to modern-day slavery. They have developed an app for iPhones/iPods that scan the barcode of the item you're thinking of buying. It then immediately gives you information for that company and it identifies companies which do not have forced, trafficked or child labor in their production. Featured companies are graded on the steps they take to actively prevent exploitation from occurring. Numerous industries are at risk for forced, trafficked and child labor.
With this blog entry, I am only covering the surface. Not for Sale and other organizations are fighting right now to end modern-day slavery and to bring awareness about this issue. To read more about Not for Sale, go to Get involved. Raise awareness. Change history.
Great post! Thanks for sharing. One note is that Not For Sale's website is